If you are like me cycling outside is exhilarating, fun, therapeutic and time really flies by. Now my experience in riding indoors it’s quite frankly the opposite. Time goes by incredibly slow. However, there are advantages to riding indoors. There is no headwind, cars, rain, small animals to run in front of you or hills. When riding your bicycle indoors on a trainer all the variables are very consistent and accordingly you have great parity from ride to ride.
How can you make ridng a bicycle indoors more bearable. For many simply putting on the TV is enough to distract them. However I prefer listening to music, and even that is not enough to make me consistently ride the cycle trainer.
I recently discovered a way that keeps me motivated to ride every week. In fact it is very similar to what motivates me to ride outside. This is riding with a partner. In addition, I now use an app called trainer road (www.trainerroad.com) . I’ve discussed this software in the past and strongly encourage all my readers to look it up. In essence it provides training programs for you that communicate in real-time with your bike I’ve even set up a dedicated space in my house to ride. I have two small children, so we ride three times a week at 5:30 am. This obligation to ride with someone else has made me much more consistent. The one good news about riding a bicycle indoors is you can be sure you will never get in an accident!!
Ride. Be Safe. Have Fun.
Andrew Kass
Bicycle Accident Lawyer – Enthusiast
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