I have strong, healthy, empowered women in my life. My wife, mother, sister, and two amazing nieces are models of empowerment. I am a believer in the maxim that if women were in control, much of the worlds problems would be solved. War would end, kids would be educated, the earth would be protected, housing and health care would be a human right and food would be plentiful for all. Now let’s get to motorcycles. I came across a great set of books recently. The first is titled “Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment” by Liz Jansen and the second is “The Mom who took off on her Motorcycle” by Diana Bletter.
I don’t believe that women should strive to be men, to achieve like men and to lead like men. If the world is to be healed we need the wisdom, intuition, nurturing and multi-generational perspective that women have to offer all humans. Through empowerment of women today, we can head towards a future of women leaders. Motorcycling can be a part of the road to empowerment. These books take fascinating looks at the empowerment that can be attained by riding. As Liz Jansen states about her book “Everything that I do is about pushing through your comfort zone and challenging yourself to push past that and to grow in the experience…, The motorcycle just happens to be a tool for me.” She further observed of her subjects that “Motorcycling is like nothing else and I guess its just watching what happens when people, and in this case women especially, try something that they’re afraid of doing and then they’re successful with it,”
Diana Bletter tells a first person story of riding by herself on a motorcycle to Alaska. For a suburban mom who had not ridden her own motorcycle before, it makes for quite the adventure. More importantly we can see her become empowered throughout her journey.
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Without getting too far afield, just like Title IX empowered young women to gain strength, empowerment, teamwork, and confidence from sports, so too would a movement of women getting and getting on their own motorcycles. While they are riding, they can be feeding, nurturing and fixing the world all while the wind blows right into their faces.
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