10 Reasons a Road Trip is Better on a Bike vs. a Car

10 Reasons a Road Trip is Better on a Bike vs. a Car

The great American road trip has long been considered one of the quintessential life experiences. Whether you are having a mid-life crisis, taking a gap year after high school, or just want to set your retirement off with a bang, a road trip is a wonderful thing! Here are 10 reasons a motorcycle road trip is better than a road trip in a car.

Motorcycle vs Car

1.     Riding a motorcycle forces you to pack sparingly. One of the best reasons to take a road trip is to get away from it all and see all that the world has to offer. This means leaving your “stuff” behind. A car road trip allows you to take along everything but the kitchen sink. A motorcycle makes you pare down your belongings to the bare minimum. Leave the laptop at home and disconnect from the things that hold you back.

2.     Connect with nature. On a motorcycle, you can truly connect with nature. You can see it all around you, but you can also smell it and feel it against your skin. Nothing prevents you from stopping 10, 20, or 50 times along the way, whether at scenic overlooks or just when you want to take in your surroundings.

3.     Spend less on fuel. Overloaded cars guzzle the fuel – and on long road trips, this can put a real hurting on your wallet. Riding a motorcycle is much more economically and eco-friendly. The average fuel economy of a bike is around 85 miles per gallon, which is even better than those fancy hybrid cars.

4.     Meet other bikers. You know it, I know it – bikers attract other bikers. Whether you stop at a road stop, a café along the way, or just a hotel for a rest, if a fellow biker sees you they are likely to offer a friendly wave and hello or even stop for some good conversation. Bikers often have a lot in common, and this is a great way to make friends from around the country. The buddy you meet on this road trip may be someone you ride with again in the future.

5.     Park with ease. Whether you ride alone or as part of a pack, parking a motorcycle is pretty convenient. Forget parallel parking: you can easily slide your bike in even to the most compact space. This is so much easier than parking a big, overloaded SUV or recreational vehicle. You’ll be parked and enjoying the sights while the family in their car is still circling the parking lot.

6.     Burn off some calories and build up muscle. Okay, so it’s not going to be enough to get rid of your beer belly, riding a motorcycle does burn more calories than sitting back in a car. It also requires greater use of your muscles as you have to work to keep the bike steady. Over a short ride, it’s not going to be much, but if you are talking a long road trip, you can burn some serious calories- which is enough for guilt-free dessert.

7.     Have more fun. Riding motorcycles is exciting, no matter what! Most of us would prefer to be on our bike than stuck in a cage on the road like all the other sheep. Riding a motorcycle gives you a sense of freedom that you can’t get from any other vehicle. You might as well enjoy yourself on your trip.

8.     Be more eco-friendly. Not only do motorcycles save on fuel, but they also give off less pollution. Global warming is a serious threat we are all facing, and we have learned that even small changes can make a big difference.

9.     Focus, focus, focus. When you are on your bike, you are more attentive to the road around you. Frankly, it is a requirement for all bikers to be alert and aware at all times in order to stay safe. But this also means you are more able to take in the sights and scenery around you. Take a moment to appreciate all that we have to see in this country.

10.  Maneuver around easily. Motorcycles are easy to maneuver, and more and more places are starting to allow lane splitting. While cars sit in horn-honking traffic, you can weave through and navigate your way to the front.

No matter the reason, exploring the country on a motorcycle is a wonderful life experience. And don’t limit yourself to once a lifetime or even once a year: make this a regular event. Before you start your ride, add 1-800-MOTORCYCLE to your cell phone. If you are involved in a  motorcycle crash, call this number to speak with an experienced motorcycle crash lawyer right away. Your initial consultation is free, and you will learn how you can recover compensation for your injuries and the damage to your bike.

Contact Our Northbrook Motorcycle Accident Law Firm Today

If you were injured in an accident in Northbrook, IL, and need legal help, contact our Northbrook Motorcycle Accident lawyers at Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case review today.

Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers
601 Skokie Blvd Suite 401
Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 513-9582