Nausea After a Motorcycle Accident
Nausea after a motorcycle accident can occur for a number of reasons. If you experience nausea and have been involved in a motorcycle or car accident, seek immediate medical attention.
Feeling sick to your stomach can be a sign of a traumatic brain injury. It can also mean that there is internal bleeding. And sometimes, nausea is just that and does not point to a greater problem. Still, if you have been involved in a crash and feel nauseated, you need to seek medical attention right away.
When a motorcycle accident occurs, your body undergoes an extreme jolt. Whether you strike the pavement or collide with a vehicle, the shock the body receives is severe. Sometimes serious injury is obvious right away.
Other times, especially because there is a tremendous adrenaline rush that can cause you to overlook pain, more serious injuries are not as readily apparent. In some cases, nausea and vomiting may be one of the main indicators that something significant is wrong.
Traumatic brain injury or concussion occur frequently after a motorcycle accident. Brain injury has many symptoms including confusion, headache, nausea and vomiting, distorted sensations, or sleepiness.
If you have been involved in a car accident or motorcycle accident and have any signs of concussion, seek immediate medical attention. Emergency room doctors and paramedics will recognize the signs of traumatic brain injury and take action, if necessary.
What Can Cause Nausea After a Crash?
Having an upset stomach after a car accident or motorcycle crash may just be due to the anxiety surrounding the incident. It can also, however, point to a potential life threatening injury.
Whether you feel nausea or any other symptoms, it is important to seek immediate medical treatment. Paramedics and emergency medical technicians respond to car accidents because of the high likelihood of injuries. Motorcycle riders at an even greater risk of injury when crashes occur.
What Should I Do If I Experience Nausea After a Motorcycle Accident?
As experienced personal injury attorneys we have represented a number of people who initially overlooked what turned out to be significant injuries. Be wary and cognizant of how you feel after a car accident, motorcycle crash, or any other accident. Head injury and the confusion associated with it can cause you to miss signs that might point to more significant problems like internal soft tissue injuries.
Visit a doctor after a motorcycle accident if you experience any pain, discomfort, or altered sensations. You should immediately seek medical attention for severe pain, neck pain, stomach pain, and other related symptoms.
The truth is, avoiding getting medical help can be disastrous. It is easy to overlook signs of injury after the trauma of a motorcycle accident. Other physical symptoms may develop in the hours and days following your crash.
Beyond the physical injuries that can cause nausea, post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety can also make you feel sick to your stomach. In such cases, nausea might not represent a serious injury like a broken bone or internal injury. It may, however, be a manifestation of the trauma you have experienced. Unfortunately, only a doctor can diagnose the reasons behind your nausea. See a doctor immediately to know for sure.
What if the Nausea Doesn’t Go Away?
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and continue to feel nausea and stomach discomfort, seek medical care first. Then, call on the team at the Law Firm of Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers. We represented motorcycle injury cases nationwide. Contact us first to discuss the details of your motorcycle crash. We have represented injured bikers for over three decades.
Contact us today for a free, no obligation case review. When you call, you will speak with an experienced attorney who will discuss the details of your case with you and help determine what you can expect.
Do not let the insurance company get the best of you. Insurance companies often present rather insulting monetary offers after a motorcycle accident. Remember that you do not have to accept these paltry amounts. Rather, talk to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney and learn how we can help you get compensation that is both fair and just.
Contact Our Northbrook Motorcycle Accident Law Firm Today
If you were injured in an accident in Northbrook, IL, and need legal help, contact our Northbrook motorcycle accident lawyers at Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case review today.
Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers
601 Skokie Blvd Suite 401
Northbrook, IL 60062
(844) 777-7708