Ears Ringing After a Motorcycle Accident

Ears Ringing After a Motorcycle Accident

If you experience ears ringing after a motorcycle accident, it is important to get it checked out as soon as possible. Ringing ears, otherwise known as tinnitus, sometimes occurs following a motorcycle accident. It is important to have ringing in the ears assessed by a physician as it can be a sign of traumatic brain injury. It can also indicate damage in one or both ears.

Tinnitus can occur as an effect of head and neck injuries. Any ringing in the ears or ear pain needs medical treatment. The inner ear is susceptible to injury. Avoiding treatment of your ear injury can result in permanent hearing loss or ongoing tinnitus symptoms.

It is not unusual to experience a headache along with ringing in the ears after a motorcycle crash. Sometimes this is due to the crash- literally the sound of the accident causing some temporary damage to your hearing. But quite often, it is due to a concussion or other injury.

Traumatic brain injury or concussion should be treated immediately by a physician. A head injury traditionally comes with a variety of symptoms including headache, confusion, exhaustion, and more. Ringing in the ears can be another sign of a head injury or concussion.

Although ringing ears after a car accident can also occur, it is more common after a motorcycle crash. That is because motorcycle riders are more likely to strike their head against the pavement or other surface. Even if the biker is wearing a helmet, the force of the impact can jar the brain and cause acoustic trauma.

Personal injury claims are based on the pain of the injury, any disability, and the medical expenses and other losses associated with the injury. One important component of your personal injury case is your medical treatment. Some people try to put off going to the hospital or urgent care, feeling that their pain will go away on its own. But when head trauma has occurred, a delay can be dangerous and can result in further pain and disability.

What Symptoms Are Associated with Ringing in the Ears After a Motorcycle Crash?

Tinnitus victims experience a variety of different symptoms after their motorcycle accident. Persistent ringing in the ears is one of the most common symptoms. Hearing problems, both short term and long term can occur. An acoustic injury can result in permanent hearing loss. The tiny and delicate bones of the inner ear are very sensitive, and any damage can affect not just hearing but also balance.

Inner ear injuries can result in a difficulty maintaining your balance or equilibrium. You may have trouble walking or can feel as if the room is moving about around you. This unsettling feeling is similar to the sensation you experience with an ear infection. Only a health care professional can assess your condition, and since it often coincides with other injuries, it is important to get a thorough assessment.

Since the chances of having an injury are so high, all motorcycle accident victims should seek medical attention immediately after their crash. Serious hearing problems and sensorineural hearing loss can occur, and the sooner you get treatment, the better.

Just as it is important to get health care right away, it is also important to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At the Law Firm of Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers, we provide a free consultation and thorough case evaluation. You can reach us at 1-800-MOTORCYCLE at any time to discuss your case.

Experiencing ringing in the ears after a motorcycle accident is not normal. It can be a sign of a more serious injury, like a traumatic brain injury. Take your health seriously and seek medical attention right away. And take your financial wellbeing seriously and speak with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at the Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers today.

Contact Our Northbrook Motorcycle Accident Law Firm Today

If you were injured in an accident in Northbrook, IL, and need legal help, contact our Northbrook motorcycle accident lawyers at Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case review today.

Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers
601 Skokie Blvd Suite 401
Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 513-9582