Back Injury After a Motorcycle Accident

Back Injury After a Motorcycle Accident

Experiencing a back injury after a motorcycle accident is common. The extreme forces that occur when a motorcycle and another vehicle collide is enough to displace or injure sensitive bones and discs in the spine. Back injuries can be incredibly painful, and failing to treat them can result in relentless pain and disability.

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most serious injuries. That is because the spinal cord controls the relays of nerve signals to and from the brain. Damage to the spinal cord can result in paralysis, numbness, tingling, and unusual sensations. These injuries are especially heinous as once they occur, it is difficult to mend the damage.

Motorcycle crash victims often experience spinal injury as well as head or neck injury. Neck injury, just like spinal cord injury, can be disastrous. These injuries are not just painful but are, in most cases, debilitating.

Although most motorcycle riders wear a helmet in order to protect their head, there is not much that can be done to protect the neck and back when a crash occurs. This means that these fragile body parts and connecting tissues will absorb most of the force of motorcycle accidents.

Traumatic injuries like back injuries after often felt immediately following the crash. You may experience some paralysis or altered sensations. Or you may just feel extreme pain in your back and have difficulty standing or walking. Some people have even mentioned that they felt their bones grinding or moving unusually. If you exhibit any back pain, discomfort, or altered sensations after a motorcycle accident, you must seek immediate medical treatment. These injuries can quickly progress into more devastating and dangerous injuries.

But what if you do not immediately feel any pain? You may feel a little shaken up after your motorcycle accident, but not feel any pain. The next morning, however, you may wake up to pain in your back. Back injuries can be tricky. Sometimes the initial pain is mild or nonexistent. But often the pain develops as swelling and bruising occurs. This means that you can suffer from back injuries from a motorcycle accident and not feel any pain for a day or two or even a week after your crash.

What Should I Do If I Have Back Pain After a Motorcycle Accident?

If you experience back pain or any other sign of back injuries after a motorcycle accident, you must seek immediate medical treatment. In some cases, failing to seek treatment can result in permanent disability and impairment.

Often, treatment involves a period of rest, usually involving time away from work. If your doctor orders you to take time off of work, it is crucial that you follow those orders. Failing to do so can be a signal to the insurance company that perhaps your injuries are not as bad as they seem.

Sometimes, in order to determine the extent of your back injuries, your doctor will order imaging tests. These painless, specialized tests can allow the doctor to see any damaged areas in your spine or neck. These tests are also important as they clearly document your injury. In addition to your doctor diagnosing your injury, they will be able to disclose to the insurance company and image that shows your injury. This can help document the severity of your injury. This can be especially important if you did not initially experience pain and did not seek medical care until the days following your motorcycle accident.

What Are Symptoms of Back Injury After a Motorcycle Accident?

Some signs of a back injury from a motorcycle accident include, obviously, back pain. But beyond back pain, you may experience numbness, a loss of sensation, tingling or burning, or pain that extends down the legs. Sometimes the pain radiates, while other times it is felt as a stabbing or sharp pain.

Some people do not experience much pain immediately after their crash. There are a couple of reasons for this. The primary reason is that when someone is involved in a motorcycle accident, their body releases a rush of endorphins and adrenaline. These hormones can block many of the pain sensations that might otherwise occur.

In addition, much of the pain that comes from a back injury is due to swelling and bleeding in the tissues of the spine. This swelling and bruising can take hours or even a few days to develop and progress. During that time you may notice that your pain level gradually increases.

Since pain sensations can be blocked when a motorcycle accident occurs, I strongly advise anyone involved in a crash to seek immediate medical attention. Doctors can assess your level of injuries using a series of movement activities and imaging tests. Combined, these assessments can help doctors quickly diagnose and begin to treat back pain, spinal cord injuries, and more.

Why Are Spinal Cord Injuries Common in Motorcycle Accidents?

When motorcycle crashes occur, the motorcyclist is often thrown from their bike. They come crashing to the pavement or sometimes strike the other vehicle or the curb. When the body strikes the ground or another vehicle with such force, the impact is absorbed. Our spine is built to absorb some forces – such as the force you experience when you jump. But we are not built to handle extreme forces such as those that occur in motorcycle accidents.

When such extreme force occurs, the spinal cord can be displaced, fractured, or can swell. All of these can result in injuries. Neck injuries are often common in motorcycle accidents, for the same reason. The spinal cord itself is similar to a flexible tube and is susceptible to damage. As we have discussed previously, damage to the spinal cord can result in paralysis. Spinal cord injuries, therefore, should always be taken seriously and treated immediately.

As an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, I have represented hundreds of bikers with back injuries. I have seen the devastation such injuries can cause. Even milder back injuries can result in ongoing pain and discomfort for months.

How Does a Spinal Cord Injury Differ from a Back Injury?

A spinal cord injury involves the spinal cord itself. The spinal cord is an area of nerve-filled tissue that runs from the brain down the length of the spine. This tissue, along with your brain, makes up your nervous system. If the tissue is damaged, the nerves can no longer work properly. This can result in nerve-changes or paralysis. The brain and spinal cord work in tandem to control any movements you make, so a spinal cord injury can be devastating. They often result in permanent complications. Some people with spinal cord injuries may require lifelong care.

Back injuries, on the other hand, might involve the spine but when we refer to these injuries, we usually do not refer to damage to the spinal cord. Back injuries are frustrating because the pain can last for months, years… even a lifetime. Back pain can make it difficult to work, attend to your lifestyle, and even care for yourself.

People with severe back injuries may require surgery. These surgeries, however, are risky. Some people undergo surgery only to realize no improvement. Other people feel the surgeries help them recover function and relieve pain. Regardless, back surgery should not be entered into lightly.

As a motorcycle accident attorney, my job is to collect fair and just compensation for each and every one of my clients. I do this by developing a relationship with them – taking the time to truly understand both their accident and their injuries. Only then can I represent their needs to the insurance company.

If you have injuries caused by a motorcycle accident, you owe it to yourself to seek an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you. With a simple phone call to one of the attorneys, you can start your case moving in the right direction. There are many benefits to having an attorney on your side- but perhaps the biggest is the peace of mind that someone with knowledge of law is looking out for you.

Contact Our Northbrook Motorcycle Accident Law Firm Today

If you were injured in an accident in Northbrook, IL, and need legal help, contact our Northbrook motorcycle accident lawyers at Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case review today.

Kass & Moses Personal Injury Lawyers
601 Skokie Blvd Suite 401
Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 513-9582